My Blog
Music Lessons
Back in the day, nice young ladies of a certain standing were required to attend "finishing school," where they learned, among other things, how to sing and play piano, I guess in case they had to regale guests in the parlor at Downton Abbey. I am woefully...
Bad Hair Day
It's rainy and humid today. Translation: Make Room for the Hair. It starts out innocently enough in the morning as I carry hope like a fragile spark of life. By mid-morning, my peripheral vision has already been severely compromised, and by late afternoon, people...
The Time My Mother Left
My mother walked out on us once, threw up her hands, turned her back and hit the road. We didn't blame her since we'd driven her to it; there were no more buttons left to push. She came back eventually, but there were several long, tense moments when her return was...
A sweet video by Pandora has been making the internet rounds lately. Maybe you've seen it. It features several blindfolded children who attempt to pick out their mothers from a group of women. Grab a tissue, and you can see it here. Even without seeing them, the...
Not Me
The creeping green vines of jealousy sprout early in big families like mine. Sharing a bedroom, bathroom counter space, a bag of candy, or anything else can either make you or break you. There's this insidious little concept of fairness that creeps into the...
Turtle Crossing
It's spring, which means you can hear the spring peepers singing in the April rain puddles, and turtles are on the move. As if I needed more worry in my day, for some reason they often feel the need to cross a road like the proverbial chicken. I'm that person who...